Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Christies Charity Ball - 5th March 2010

We think everyone at the Christies Charity Ball we covered on Friday had a great time! Lots of guests were amazed that we can print their photos on the spot in less than 30 seconds! That's what we do, and that's what we do best! Thanks to Lydia for booking us!

To view and purchase reprints and enlargements of your photos click on this link: http://editpost.ifp3.com/2/9e272/#/gallery/christies-charity-ball-palace-hotel-5th-mar-10/

To visit my website click on: www.editpost.co.uk

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Basketball Tournament - 28th February 2010

We covered a Basketball Tournament on Sunday and took over 6000 photos! We used our new 12x8 inch printer for the first time, the Player & Team and 'Dunk' magazine cover photos were our best sellers!
To visit my website click on: www.editpost.co.uk